Ethical code
What follows arises from the need and desire to manage any relationship of collaboration and
of work, in compliance with the values and principles of correctness and loyalty that Next Technology has placed at the basis of its style of work and life, in compliance with which it has been operating for years now in the construction and durable goods sector and has marked every activity.
This document therefore has the purpose of clearly defining the set of values and principles which inspire Next Technology in the pursuit of its objectives, the observance of which is essential for the correct performance of its activities, as well as to preserve its reliability, the reputation, the image. The code of ethics is brought to your attention and distributed to all subjects who enter into a business relationship with the undersigned Company.
The rules contained in this Code of Ethics integrate the behavior that employees and any third party are required to observe also in compliance with the rules of ordinary diligence, also pursuant to the articles of the civil code regarding employment relationships (Articles 2104 and 2108 of the Civil Code ).
Article 1 – Conduct in business management.
The Directors, the Employees and those who in any capacity operate on behalf of and in collaboration with the undersigned Company, are required to comply with the laws and regulations in force in Italy and those of the country where they carry out their activity. No objective can be pursued or achieved in violation of the laws and regulations in force.
Next Technology, in line with the values of honesty, fairness and transparency on which its business is based, puts in place all the necessary measures to prevent and avoid corruption or conflict of interests.
The Companies and all external collaborators, with whom the undersigned should maintain common business management relationships, are invited to comply, in managing the same, with this Code of Ethics, in compliance with the fundamental values and guidelines, adopting the values of fairness and transparency.
Article 2 – Use of information.
All information that an employee or a third party with whom the Company collaborates in the management of business becomes aware of by reason of their duties or in any case of the employment relationship, must be considered confidential, and therefore be used only for the performance of their work activity , avoiding disclosing proprietary information of the Company. Any information held by the Company must be treated in compliance with the confidentiality and privacy of the interested parties.
All of the above in compliance with the "privacy" legislation.
All employees and collaborators of the Company must use the IT tools at their disposal, exclusively as a work tool, in compliance with current legislation and the reference company procedures.
Article 3 - Relationship with third parties.
Relations with third parties nationally and internationally must be based on loyalty and correctness, in the protection of corporate interests. The information given to the outside world must be truthful, transparent and consistent with the company's policies. Loyalty and fairness must also be demanded from companies external to the writer, with which Next Technology undertakes business management relationships; these companies are invited to comply, in their management, with this Code of Ethics, in common respect for the fundamental values and guidelines.
Employees, collaborators and partners, called to provide information regarding the company's objectives on the occasion of participation in trade fairs, conferences, public interventions, are required to obtain prior authorization from the Administrator, agreeing their content with the same and with the function managers company in charge. The employees and the companies with which the undersigned will maintain common business management relationships, will abstain from behaviors and declarations that could in any way damage the image of the company, which, on the contrary, they will promote through the correctness of behavior to which they are required._cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Article 4 - Protection of the dignity and integrity of the employee and safety at work.
Human resources are an indispensable element for Next Technology to successfully develop its objectives. The Company undertakes to develop and stimulate the skills and potential of its employees, respecting and enhancing initiatives useful for the common purpose. The Company offers equal employment opportunities to all employees on the basis of specific professional qualifications and performance capabilities, without any discrimination regarding race, religious belief, gender, age, personal disability, in full respect of individual rights.
Article 5 - Budget and accounting.
The transparency and truthfulness of accounting are essential values and parameters. Transparency is based on the truth, accuracy and completeness of the documentation of each activity and related accounting operations. Every person who manages common business with the Company is invited to take steps to ensure that management facts are represented correctly and promptly in the accounts and the documentation can always be consulted, in compliance with the principles of transparency and loyalty.
Article 6. – Conflict of interest
Employees and third parties who manage common business with the Company, in the execution of their activities must pursue the objectives and interests of the same, avoiding finding themselves in situations that conflict with these principles. These principles provide for rules of loyalty and correctness, which do not allow to carry out work activities in favor of the competition, or to carry out activities that could harm the interests of the undersigned.
Article 7 - Company measures.
The Company intends to sanction behaviors that are not compliant and consistent with the values and principles of the Code of Ethics, by employees and all the Companies with which the undersigned will have business management relationships, reserving the broadest protection of its interests.